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New Environment, New Image, New Scene, Great Development

New Environment, New Image, New Scene, Great Development

Aug 06,2020

Under the leadership of the company’s management team, Galaxy Tin will continue to uphold the enterprise spirit of “forge ahead, adamancy, firm belief, and bound to achieve” and increase innovation, continuously improve product quality and service quality. We are following the philosophy of "creating value for customers, creating opportunities for employees and creating harmony for the society" and opening up a development path with a “Galaxy Tin" characteristic.

The new environment and new scene will bring a more comfortable working environment for our employees, so as to ensure better customer service! In this summer, we also release our ice buckets series, including tin ice buckets, galvanized ice buckets, and tin trays for beer… 


A brand new and beautiful office environment has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of every Galaxy Tin staff. For the company, this is not only the change of office space, but also a major leap forward for Galaxy Tin on the road ahead! Establishing ambitions and creating great achievements to enhance the color of enterprise, setting aspirations to write the spring and autumn to enhance the glory of the day. 

This is a new starting point and a new journey!